The One Eighties, an independent duo comprised of Daniel Cook and Autumn Brand, released their second single called “No King” on streaming platforms today along with a fun, outlandish, and creative music video.
Brand and Cook formally belonged to a group called New Reveille, an alt-country band that released an album in 2018 that received positive attention from critics such as The Rolling Stones, The New York Times, and Billboard. After their record label dissolved and the band grew apart, Brand and Cook decided to continue making music as a pair, forming The One Eighties.
Recorded and produced in their Cary home studio, The One Eighties are a local band to keep an eye on. No King is a brilliant blend of genres and has a unique sound that you need to hear to fully understand.
The music video was such an essential part of the creative vision that The One Eighties had for the song, it was actually scripted first.
“We scripted the video before the song was even done,” explains Brand, who art-directed the video. “Doing it this way allowed us to finish the song with the video in mind instead of the other way around.”
The video, which was directed by Cook and produced by Raleigh video production company Myriad, features a story of a villain being killed by his disco-cult minions. The characters are over-the-top, dressed in full 70’s disco apparel, and tell a bizarre abstract version of what the lyrics of the song convey; a demise of an oppressor.
No King will make its national television debut on the music network DittyTV on Sunday, October 16th at 11:00 AM.
It is expected that The One Eighties will release more singles ahead of their 2023 album release. You can visit their website here.