Mayor Harold Weinbrecht publishes his weekly blog post on his personal blog (, sharing his thoughts and updates on local news and events in Cary, NC. The Cary Report, with permission from the town, will be re-publishing the Mayor’s blog as they are posted each Sunday. The following is the latest from Mayor Harold Weinbrecht.
HRID, Economic Development, Budget Work Session, Council Meeting, Mayor’s Star Medallion, and Green Hope Graduation
Council Meeting Prep
Monday I contacted council members to hear of any questions or concerns about the upcoming agenda. There were no questions about the items on the agenda.
Later in the day I met with staff members to review the items on the agenda. The meeting was brief.
Town Manager One-On-One
Monday evening I met with the town manager, town attorney, chief strategy officer, and Mayor Pro-Tem for my weekly one-on-one. We spent time talking about a presentation at the council meeting.
Human Relations, Inclusion, and Diversity Task Force
Tuesday I attended a meeting of the Human Relations, Inclusion, and Diversity Task Force. A report on PRIDE events was provided by the DEI manager. The group then revised and finalized their work plan which they would like to present to the council. They also decided to discuss their prioritization chart at the next meeting. As the council liaison, I provided an update on town activities. Our meeting lasted about two hours.
Economic Development Committee
Wednesday I chaired a meeting of the Economic Development Committee. The meeting started with comments from the Chief Development Officer about ongoing actions to update the Imagine Cary Community Plan. This was followed by the quarterly report from the Cary Chamber President. Here are a few points from that report:
- There are 7 active recruitment projects with a potential for 1139 jobs and $310 million in Capital Investment
- Greenberg Gibbons is now the owner of Park Overlook, which is a 15 acre track off Hwy 55 and Green Level Church Road. They now have a combined 48 acres under their control, with the larger parcel going through their site plan and the rezoning process.
- RDU Business Park by Merritt Properties is the other large tract in northwest Cary near the airport. This tract is 142 acres and is planned to have just over 700,000 square feet of flex/industrial space. This project is estimated to have their site plan approved by the Town in the late summer of 2023.
- Spectrum Properties is working on the rezoning process with Cary for upgrading their current footprint, along with the redevelopment / repurposing of some existing buildings into more modern office opportunities, along with converting some office space into lab space. They are also working on ideas and some concepts for a potential spec building in the back area of the park, which is about 33 acres.
- The Cary Economic Development website and the Small Business Guide are now revised and completed.
- We are in the process of updating our Digital Marketing brochure and should have it completed By July 10th.
- We will increase our usage of our social media and Linked-In sites to promote our Monthly Economic Development programs, product updates, and company announcements.
The Economic Development Director provided development updates. An interesting part of his presentation was the future visioning process of the Kildaire Farm Road corridor and the Weston Business Park.
The next scheduled meeting of the Economic Development Committee is currently set for September 6th. However, in the group’s half-day meeting a couple of months ago we decided to increase our involvement and have more frequent meetings. So the next meeting might be changed to occur before September 6th.
Council Work Session
Thursday evening the council held a work session on the budget. Presentations were made by staff on recent development, transit, and housing. Council decided to double the funding for the Neighborhood Improvement Grant Program from $250,000 to $500,000. The idea being that we can help seniors age in place with improvements. This would also be a strategic step in affordable housing.
Council Meeting
Thursday night the council held its first regular meeting of the month. The agenda included two proclamations, two consent items, three public hearings, and one discussion item.
I read a proclamation for PRIDE month and council member Smith read a proclamation for Women’s Veterans Day.
In the Public Speaks Out portion of the meeting two speakers wanted more funding for Cary Skate Park and one speaker thanked us for PRIDE activities.
There were no speakers for the budget public hearing, the utility system development fee public hearing, and the Carpenter Pointe Phase 3 annexation.
The discussion item was to add Town Code of Ordinances that we, IMHO, should have already had. For example, banning public urination. The rest are available here.
North Carolina Metro Mayors
The North Carolina Metro Mayors met on Friday for a legislative summary. Here is a summary of legislative actions from KTS Strategies:
Sports Betting Bill Sent to Governor
This week, the House voted to concur with the Senate changes to H347, Sports Wagering/Horse Racing Wagering, giving the final legislative approval. The bill received bipartisan support and passed with a vote of 69-44 on Wednesday. This bill would authorize and regulate betting on horse racing and professional, college, and amateur sports in North Carolina. H347 has been sent to the Governor for consideration, and we anticipate he will sign the bill into law.
Budget Update
Legislators are continuing negotiations behind closed doors to reconcile their differences on a final version of the budget. Subcommittee chairs presented their area-specific budget items (Education, Health and Human Services, etc.) to the full appropriations chairs this week. Legislators are expected to continue meeting through the weekend. Some of the major items in disagreement include teacher and state employee salaries and tax cuts. Their goal is to have a budget completed before the end of the fiscal year on June 30.
NC Farm Act
On Wednesday, the House passed S582, North Carolina Farm Act of 2023 with a vote of 77-38. The Senate voted to concur with the House changes on Thursday. This is the legislature’s annual bill that makes various changes to laws pertaining to agriculture, forestry, and the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. This year’s bill includes provisions that would allow income from the sale of honey to be considered gross income, create a Class 3 misdemeanor for leaving the scene of an animal waste spill, prohibit the use of an unmanned aircraft near a forest fire, and clarify the definition of wetlands. S582 will be sent to the Governor for consideration. Governor Cooper has 10 days to either sign or veto the bill before it becomes law.
Political Event
Friday night I attended a kickoff event for a Cary Council candidate. I encouraged the crowd to get involved and vote, and thanked and encouraged the candidate.
It has been my practice only to endorse incumbents, but I will help and encourage other candidates.
Corral Event
Saturday I had the honor and privilege to grant the first Mayor Star Medallion. This medallion is a symbol of inspiration, beauty, perseverance, innovation, and courage, designed to recognize and celebrate the profound contributions in our community.
The inaugural recipient of this award was River, a thoroughbred racehorse, who after her career ended moved around from farm to farm until she ended up at CORRAL in Cary. CORRAL matches up at risk girls with horses. This results in both the girls and the horses being helped. I witnessed firsthand the love and affection of the girl, DJ, and her horse River. It was a very special thing to see. I presented the medallion to the owner of CORRAL, a ribbon to River, and a $2500 grant to CORRAL and River.
The following was the press release of the award:
At the CORRAL Riding Academy’s Year End Program, River, a horse honored as the “Thoroughbred of the Year” by the Jockey Club, received the first Mayor’s Star Medallion at a special presentation from Cary Mayor Harold Weinbrecht. River, alongside at-risk girls and other horses is part of the nonprofit CORRAL Riding Academy, which empowers adolescent girls in high-risk situations through a comprehensive program of equine therapy and education. The Mayor’s Star Medallion recognizes those who embody inspiration, beauty, perseverance, innovation, and courage, celebrating their contributions and achievements in Cary.
River, an exceptional 21-year-old mare, holds a vital role as a therapy horse within CORRAL. Through a profound bond between participants and horses, River plays a pivotal part in teaching young women the essential lessons of trust and emotional regulation. Prior to joining CORRAL’s herd, River demonstrated her athletic prowess in seven thrilling races, securing two well-deserved victories, as well as an impressive second and third-place finish. Similar to many participants, River overcame challenges, moving between foster farms until finding her permanent home in the welcoming community of Cary. The awe-inspiring qualities of inspiration, perseverance, and courage radiate not only from River but also from her fellow herd mates and the courageous girls actively engaged in the transformative program. These qualities exemplify the deserving individuals recognized through the presentation of the esteemed medallion.
“Cary is fortunate to have exceptional nonprofits, with CORRAL Riding Academy shining brightly among them. River’s story, intertwined with the academy’s mission, captivates and inspires both the girls and the CORRAL community. The academy’s leaders and volunteers have diligently fostered an inclusive and nurturing environment, while the unwavering determination of the participants exemplifies their commitment to a brighter future,” said Cary Mayor Harold Weinbrecht.
Since its establishment in 2008, CORRAL has made a profound impact on the lives of over 400 girls. Through their comprehensive program of equine therapy and education, CORRAL equips each girl and her community with essential skills, resources, and opportunities, paving the way for a promising future. As a nonprofit organization, CORRAL relies entirely on the dedication of volunteers, grants, and generous contributions from individuals, companies, government partners, and charitable foundations. For more information about CORRAL and their transformative work, please visit their website
This event was one of the most rewarding since I became mayor.
Green Hope High School Graduation
Saturday afternoon I joined council member Ryan Eades for the Green Hope High School graduation in Raleigh. Nearly 500 graduates received their diplomas in just under an hour. Congratulations!
Town Manager’s Report
Sean’s Message
We broadcast this quarter’s All Hands Meeting live from the Urban Design Studio. Brittany Edwards hosted for the first time, and she was incredible! In our time together, we focused on one of our cultural values, Evolution, and we talked with John Collins about his first six months on the job.
I enjoy rotating our All-Hands locations between the Council Chambers – where we can include several hundred staff in person – and other locations – where we can give staff watching online a better sense of the space and the important work that’s happening there. So, so much effort goes into our All Hands, and I remain grateful to Allison Hutchins for leading it as part of our Organizational Development program.
Enjoy your weekend!
Mayton Inn
The $105,000 contained in the FY 2024 proposed budget is the next installment to repay a 2016 $1.4M loan from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development to help build The Mayton Inn – a key economic development project, along with the Downtown Cary Park, for kickstarting downtown’s revitalization. The final payment is to be made in 2036.
Cary Action Sports
The 2019 “Shaping Cary’s Tomorrow Bonds” includes $2 million for continued investment in the facility – upgrades to lighting and ramps as well as constructing a cover to increase seasonal use. One of 14 parks projects receiving 2019 bond funding, this project is programmed for our 2025-2029 work period; therefore, there is no funding included in the proposed FY 2024 budget.
The Soccer Tournament
This past weekend, Cary hosted The Soccer Tournament (TST). The 7 on 7 format was unique to this event and generated energy around Cary facilities and soccer. Approximately 35,000 tickets were sold for the seven sessions and brought people to Cary from all over the world. The event was broadcast across Peacock, YouTube, and CNBC live, and will be rebroadcast on NBC this weekend. The CVB estimates a $1.7 Million economic impact for Cary and Wake County.
Walnut Street Closure
With the Kildaire Farm Road Improvements Project nearly 65% complete, Monday the contractor plans to close Walnut Street between Kildaire Farm Road and Walker Street. This closure is planned to begin after the morning rush hour and last approximately three weeks. The closure will allow the contractor to widen Kildaire Farm Road through the Walnut Street intersection, including installation of additional concrete street pavers, new curb ramps, and pedestrian push-button signals. Traffic detours will route traffic to Maynard Road and Kildaire Farm Road.
Citizen Facing External Branding Storefronts
The Cary Branding Team has launched two citizen-facing external branding storefronts. The first is located within Herb Young Community Center, and the second is Cary Arts Center. As a result, citizens can now purchase newly branded merchandise.
NACWA Platinum Peak Performance Award
The National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) has awarded Cary’s three wastewater treatment facilities with their Platinum Peak Performance Award recognition for exceptional performance, achieving over 5 consecutive years of 100% National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit compliance. The North and South Cary Water Reclamation Facilities are celebrating their 10th year at the Platinum Peak Performance level with the Western Wake Water Reclamation Facility receiving their 8th. In addition to excellence in permit compliance, Cary’s Water Reclamation Facilities have been recognized for exceptional performance by providing clean and safe water back to our natural environment.
Dismissal Time for Bioretention Cell
Today, children from Cary Elementary School will stream out of the building for summer vacation, leaving the area available for Cary to begin rehabilitating the stormwater control measure located on Faculty Drive. Roots from bald cypress that have grown in the bioretention cell have damaged the underdrain and clogged the filter media, inhibiting stormwater from effectively infiltrating the ground. The existing vegetation and soil filter media will be removed, and the underdrain system will be eliminated and replaced with a new system and filter media. In addition, the improved device will have an increased capacity to retain stormwater from larger storms and release it slowly, reducing the potential for flooding downstream. It will be planted with native shrubs, forbs, and grasses, including several pollinator species, to help it remove pollutants that enter it from water flowing over the school and arts center parking lots. The project will take six to eight weeks to complete.
Composting Conversations
Cary’s food waste drop-off continues to pique interest as a municipal service model. Waste Strategy and Community Impact Consultant Srijana Guilford presented at Raleigh’s Sustainability, Wildlife and Urban Trees Committee meeting to share about the development and success of Cary’s drop-off service and partnership with local non-profit Toward Zero Waste. Sharing Cary’s experience with food waste collection is helping to inform and support local ideas and initiatives that may grow more opportunities to compost in our region.
Upcoming Meetings
Environmental Advisory Board
June 13 at
6:00 p.m.
Historic Preservation Commission
June 14 at
6:30 p.m.
Greenway Committee
June 15 at
6:00 p.m.
Mayor’s Mailbox
- A complaint about the 401-bypass decision to be made by CAMPO.
- A request to make a PRIDE month proclamation.
- A complaint about falling on a sidewalk.
Next Week
Next week’s activities include staff meetings, an Atlantic Tire Championship Board meeting, Cary High School graduation, Green Level High School graduation, and a meeting of the North Carolina Metro Mayors.
Well, that is all for this week. My next post will be on Sunday, June 18th, 2023. Although I have Facebook and Twitter accounts those are not the best means of communication with me. Please send all Town of Cary questions or comments to and email personal comments to