Local High School Student’s NeuroLOGIC Foundation Transforms Alzheimer’s Care in North Carolina

Bianca Chan’s nonprofit organization provides free support and care services to Alzheimer’s patients and caregivers across the state.

Bianca Chan, a driven and compassionate high school student from Cary, has embarked on a mission to make a difference in the lives of Alzheimer’s disease patients and their caregivers. Through the NeuroLOGIC Foundation, a nonprofit organization she founded as a sophomore in high school, Chan aims to address the financial and geographical disparities that hinder access to Alzheimer’s care and support services. Her dedication and innovative initiatives have already touched the lives of numerous individuals across North Carolina.

Chan’s journey began during her time as a student at Green Hope High School (Chan is still in high school but now attending North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics). While conducting scientific research on Alzheimer’s Disease with a university neuroscientist, she had the opportunity to interact with individuals directly affected by the illness. It was through these personal stories that Chan’s passion for making a difference in the Alzheimer’s community grew.

“One story was about a former ballerina with severe memory loss, who started to remember an old dance choreography from days as a youth as she listened to a song named Swan Lake,” explains Chan. “Her emotional vulnerability touched my heart.”

Financial constraints and geographical location emerged as significant challenges faced by families in accessing Alzheimer’s care and treatment. This realization prompted Chan to establish the NeuroLOGIC Foundation with the goal of eliminating these disparities and improving the quality of life for Alzheimer’s patients. The foundation provides entirely free support and care services to patients and their caregivers across all of North Carolina.

A key initiative of the NeuroLOGIC Foundation is the creation of NeuroBoxes, thoughtfully designed support kits tailored to relieve cognitive deficits and behavioral symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Packed with activities such as puzzles, coloring books, and fidget toys, these NeuroBoxes have brought comfort and stimulation to patients in over 15 elderly care facilities and senior resident communities across Eastern and Western North Carolina.

In addition to the NeuroBoxes, Chan has also initiated an ongoing music therapy program that spans 40 memory care homes across all 100 counties of North Carolina. Leveraging the therapeutic power of music, this program has reached approximately 1,700 patients, offering solace, joy, and a sense of connection to those navigating the challenges of Alzheimer’s disease.

Looking to the future, Chan envisions expanding the NeuroLOGIC Foundation’s reach and impact.

“In college and beyond, I aim to continue to reach more families with the NeuroLOGIC Foundation with additional care programs. I hope to provide personalized one-on-one support for caregivers with both virtual and in-person sessions. I also hope to host in-person gatherings and stress management and educational workshops for caregivers,” Chan states. “We also hope to raise funds for research in Duke-UNC Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center. We are actively working with trained individuals who would host these support sessions and workshops.”

Bianca Chan’s NeuroLOGIC Foundation stands as a testament to the power of compassion, determination, and community support. Through her selfless efforts, she has brought hope and improved the quality of life for countless Alzheimer’s patients and their caregivers across North Carolina. As she continues her journey, Chan’s commitment to making a positive impact serves as an inspiration to us all.

To learn more about the NeuroLOGIC Foundation, you can visit their website here. If you would like to donate to NeuroLOGIC, you can do so here.

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